La Térmica launches the call for the eighth edition of the international programme Creators 2021. So far, 42 artists have already taken part on this project that started in 2013, and has since closed every edition with group shows exhibiting the artistic works of the Creators every different year.
The artists that have taken part in this programme so far are Dadi Dreucol, Fernando Bayona, Florencia Rojas, Nekane Manrique, Omar Victor Diop, Miguel Gómez Losada, Franciso Javier Valverde, Marta Beltrán, Emmanuel Lafont, Katharina Fitz, José Luis Valverde, Carmen González Castro, Gala Knörr, Jean Philippe Illanes, laconjunciónY, Mamen Morillas, Ana Barriga, Efrén Calderón, Mac Svary, AAron, Almudena Fernández, Fernando Clemente, Victoria Maldonado, Orlando Rojas, Enar de Dios, Alejandro Ginés, Irene González, Marco Moreira, Mirimari Väyrynen and Ernesto Casero; and Julio Anaya, Miguel Scheroff, Dela Delos, Antonio Navarro, Valle Galera and Paloma de la Cruz, Antonio R. Montesinos, García_Fernández, Abel Jaramillo, Delia Boyano, Virginia López-Anido and Jorge Isla.

The new call for Creators 2022 will be available from december the 10th of 2020 until January the 18h of 2020.
This support programme to the contemporary creation seeks to boost the creators’ artistic and professional development that requires either spaces for their own projects or financial, technical and training support.
La Térmica promotes this open program to international and national creators, linked to any artistic discipline.
The maximum period for the projects development and the use of the facilities will be 60 days from the 1th of May until the 30th of June of 2021, with no possibility of extension.
The creators in residence will provide a final report of their projects to La Térmica Selection Committee.
• The residency consists of a two-month stay to develop projects that will be presented at La Térmica at the end of the residency period.
• The expenses of accommodation, maintenance and training and work space in charge of La Térmica.
• Financial support of 1,000 euros maximum per creator for production expenses.
• The artists will pay the travel expenses, documentation and health insurance / accident in force during the residency.
• Creators must show the progress of their work to the public and establish direct contact with them at the opening of studies, which will take place on specific dates during their period of residence.
La Térmica creation center will put at the creators’ disposal different spaces for the artistic innovation, as well as shared zones for work and formation.
These spaces consisted of:
- Individual workshop.
- Single room, shared room options availability if they are a group, maximum 2 people (double room).
- Access and use of the common facilities, collective work spaces, meeting rooms, training rooms, office, toilet facilities and rest areas.
- Workroom and shared technical equipment.
- Access to the rest of La Térmica facilities.
The concession and nature of the workspaces may vary depending on the project to carry out.
The creators must display their work in public and establish a direct contact with them in the opening up of studies, which will take place on specific dates during their period of residence.
The candidates that will be submitted to the programme La Térmica CREATORS are: natural persons (either individual or collective 2 people as maximum) or legal persons over 18 years old, coming from the artistic creation atmosphere irrespective of their nationality and residence place. Individual or collective candidates should have training and a career related to the creation and could submit projects related to any artistic discipline.
Creators should provide:
- CV or artistic dossier with a selection of images of their work already performed.
- A document including the project for submission, with a development planning including details of its conceptualization and exectution.
Workshops of Creation
These are annual workshops, conceived to attract creators’ artistic projects from all over the world to La Térmica facilities in Malaga.
These revolves around three fundamental facets:
- These workshops have been conceived to showcase the projects that the creators in residence will develop during the 90 days residing at the facilities and create expressly for his exhibition in every edition.
- All the artistic disciplines will be part of it.
La Térmica will be in charge of the coordination, responsible for the conception, development and image of the Workshops.
Artists input
- The artist will arrange both traveling to La Térmica and returning home
- The artist must develop the project by which was selected during the period of the residency.
- The artist selected commit themselves to cooperate with La Térmica in terms of comunication involving the projects and the programme.

La Térmica Creators 2022 BIENALSUR – Terms and Conditions
‘Creators’ is the artistic residency program of La Térmica. A commitment to supporting plastic and visual artists with a two-month scholarship, work study, accommodation, meals and financial support for the development of their projects.
It is a call that is held annually and brings together six artists every year at the Center for Contemporary Culture of the Diputación de Málaga with the aim of promoting their projects. On this occasion, a special edition of the program will be held for the year 2022 within the framework of collaboration of the Center for Contemporary Culture of the Malaga Provincial Council with Bienalsur, aimed at artists from all over the world.
It is a support program for contemporary creation that seeks to promote the professional development of artists who require both workspaces and technical and training support.
La Térmica and Bienalsur promote this program open to national and international creators, linked to any artistic discipline.
The purpose of the Program is to support, promote and encourage artistic creation based on the models of contemporary art and in all its disciplines, also admitting multidisciplinarity, promoting its dissemination and approach to citizenship, and being able to finance creative people and entrepreneurs who promote and carry out artistic creations.
This call is made for the activities to be carried out between December 9, 2021 and February 18, 2022, although the publication of these rules and the selection of candidates are carried out from December 2021 to January 2022.
Funding s for this program, regulated in this call, may be made from Malaga Provincial Council 2022 budgetary credits.
This program offers a maximum number of 6 slots for creators, in accommodation and maintenance regime, during 3 months with no possibility of extension.
Every slot is also endowed with 1.000 €, for the expenses incurred in developing every project.
This call is open to natural persons that fulfil the conditions established in order to participate in this call and are able to prove it through documentary evidences.
Applicants could be natural persons over 18 years old (either individual or collective 2 people as maximum) coming from the artistic creation atmosphere irrespective of their nationality and residence place. They have to prove they had dedicated, at least 2 years, to artistic or creative works related to any artistic discipline related to the contemporary art.
Those interested in taking part in this call should provide, along with the application and annexes, the required documentation in this section.
- Application duly completed.
- Applicant’s National ID Card or Passport (*.jpg, *.pdf format)
- Curriculum Vitae, and artistic dossier (*.pdf, *.doc, *.docx format)
- Personal declaration that the project is unpublished, neither exhibited previously, nor received any type of counseling for the projects are going to be developed.
- Provide one project through the online platform that will be set up at
- The project should be original and expressly conceived to be exhibited at La Térmica Creators 2021 Exhibition. The topic of the project will be chosen free and it can not have been ever shown before.
- The project should be attached to La Térmica CREATORS at the registration in *.pdf, *.doc or *.docx format.
- The project or activities reports may contain a description about the nature of the project, specifying its aims, action plans, stages of development, methodologies, lines of research, convenience self-justification or interests in carrying it out, as well as describing conceptually the building blocks necessary to its shape.
- Documentation in digital form: 5 identifying images or videos of the project, files may be provided in *.jpg, *.jpeg, *. tiff, *.bmp, *.pdf, *.mp3, *.wmv, *.avi, *.mp4 format (url for videos can be included instead of the files if they’re heavy) and the name of the files may include the title and name of the author/s and the name of the project. These images can be included in the document containing the project.
- Materials and tools specification that are going to be necessary.
- Letter of motivation to be part of La Térmica CREATORS.
All these documents may be included in a unique compressed file folder (*.rar or *.zip type) that will be attached to the registration form established by La Térmica in its website for the call. This should not exceed 15 Mb in size. (Winrar).
The delivery period for the participation projects in La Térmica Creadores will be from December 10, 2021 to February 18, 2022.
All registrations must be made through the form established on the La Térmica website on the occasion of the call, and the documentation must be delivered in * .rar or * .zip format.
These are the applications assessment criteria that will be taken into account:
– Project viability and coherence.
– Originality and Innovation.
– Being in line with La Térmica guidelines.
– Capacity to generate collaborative multidisciplinary networks.
– Curriculum Vitae and artistic dossier.
The applications assessment and the granting proposal will be carried out by an assessment committee consisting of La Térmica technical staff.
This assessment committee could require additional information about the people concerned, as well as the collaboration of experts in the arts and cultural sectors, in order to develop properly the entrusted functions.
Additionally, the assessment committee could submit a report, in which it can be wholly or partly declared that the call is cancelled out in case the candidatures do not gather sufficient merits to gain the adjudication.
After assessing the applications and emitting the granting report on the Assessment Committee’s part, the proposal will be set, duly motivated, that will be notified to the selected people, and will be published at La Térmica website on the 25th of January 2022.
Applications under this call would be dismissed if they would not be specifically mentioned in the call agreement.
The resulting beneficiaries of this call will have the obligation to justify the application given to the funds received, also having to comply with the following obligations:
Communicate in writing, prior to acquiring beneficiary status, acceptance of these bases. Otherwise, it will be understood that he renounces the position, going to be granted to the alternate person who appears in the first place, and so on.
Carry out the activity for which it has been selected and within the term and conditions established in the call.
Justify the completion of the entire activity within the specified period.
Accept and comply with the follow-up, control and evaluation actions that the Malaga Provincial Council could carry out to guarantee compliance with the requirements of this call.
In no case may the workshop have any other use than that of space destined for artistic production, its use not being authorized for any other function.
Collaborate with the Center in carrying out activities that are organized and presentation of the project created at the La Térmica facilities on the date previously agreed between the parties, being integrated into the Center’s programming. To this end, La Térmica and Bienalsur will appoint a curator responsible for the artists’ projects, as well as monitoring them.
Submit to the internal regulations established by La Térmica, complying with the established schedules. Residency at La Térmica will be mandatory for artists in the period of development of the residency.
Presentation of a final report of the work before the committee established by La Térmica.
Each resident artist will donate a work at the end of their stay at La Térmica. They will be part of the contemporary art collection of the Diputación de Málaga.
State in all information or publicity that the project has been made possible by the Malaga Provincial Council, the UNTREF FOUNDATION, La Térmica, and Bienalsur.
1st. The stay of the people to whom the place is awarded will be in the premises of La Térmica during the time established for carrying out the work, namely, two non-extendable months.
2nd. The realization of a project conceived expressly for the CREADORES 2022 program.
3rd. The project must be carried out during the validity period of the Program and the persons who have ownership of the place stay in the premises of La Térmica.
4th. This program provides each of the six selected with an aid of 1,000 euros for the production of work, accommodation, individual work study, maintenance service and cleaning service in areas of residence and work, as well as meetings and visits with cultural agents related to the activity.
5th. The final exhibitions of the projects will be held individually in the artists’ studios, during the period established by La Térmica and will be curated by a person designated by the Center and Bienalsur. The artists are responsible for collecting their work at the end of the presentation of their projects, coordinating with La Térmica and assuming all the expenses they require.
Malaga Provincial Council will establish the appropriate mechanisms to monitor and assess the projects and activities corresponding to the program, for that reason, the selected creator will facilitate their monitoring.
Funding per every post will be paid in 2 instalments. Administrative processes corresponding to the payment will be launched at the start of the activity once La Térmica technical team validates the work development made. Given the administrative process and periods of the public administration the payment could be executed up to a month before the residency ends.
To all the residents that will satisfactorily complete the residence program will be granted a nominative certificate of this residence.